Physical Activity – In Club One Fifty

Business.Cloud.PhysicalActivity4The type of physical activity that we promote and present is workouts and exercises around what is known as Calisthenics or Bodyweight Training.

The word Calisthenics comes from the Greek word kalos, which means beauty, and sthenos meaning strength. We use the terms Calisthenics and Bodyweight interchangeably, as synonyms.

This type of training uses our own body as the main equipment. A few common types of bodyweight exercises are pushups, squats, jumping jacks and lunges.

In addition to the basic concept of Calisthenics, the format of many of the workouts is that of High-Intensity Interval Training, often abbreviated HIIT. Exercises are performed in an intense manner for a set time period of exercise followed by a set time of rest.

For increased variety, the exercises in a workout are sequenced according to a specific workout structure for the workout in question. There are a number of workout structures available, e.g. AMRAP, Tabatas and others. See more below.


What kind of results can you expect from following the training regime of Club One Fifty?

  • Short-term. After completing your individual training programme, you will be in the best shape of your life. Guaranteed.
  • Short- to medium-term. You will experience positive effects on many aspects of your life, such as improved mood, better discipline, easier handling of difficult relationship situations, increased efficiency at work, and more.
  • Long-term. You witness the full effects of the training regime and your membership – a long and healthy life.


Bodyweight training has a number of characteristics and features that taken together increase the probability of us reaching the goals of Club One Fifty – to live a long and healthy life. Having said this, it is important to note that the choice of using calisthenics as the main type of physical activity for Club One Fifty should not be seen as an opposition towards other types of possible activities. We encourage (almost) all types of physical activities.

Just to name of few of the characteristics, calisthenics training:Support.Exclamation3

  • Is suitable for all ages – from young people to persons that well have passed 100 years of age. The workouts are easily adapted to the current individual level of physical fitness and the strains on e.g. our joints is limited as only our body weight is used.
  • Can be performed whenever it is convenient, in the morning or in the evening.
  • Relieves you of needing to be at a certain location – the exercises can be done wherever you are – in your home or in a hotel room when out travelling.
  • Could make your strength and cardio training cheaper as you do not need access to a gym or costly equipment.
  • Improve important physical skills – you develop greater strength, power, muscular and cardiovascular endurance, balance, speed, flexibility and coordination.

As for High-Intensity Interval Training, the positive aspects are multiple, for instance:

  • Efficiency – the same or more calories are burned in a significantly shorter period of time than when doing more traditional aerobic training. [1]
  • Improved metabolism. During high-intensity exercise our body metabolizes carbohydrates for energy, not fat. Then, for a long time afterward, fat oxidation takes place to return our body systems to normal; to restore depleted carbohydrates, ATP, creatine phosphate, circulatory hormones, decrease body temperature, ventilation and heart rate, re-oxygenate the blood. [2] – [3]

Workout Structures

The sequence of exercises and the overall format for the workout is given be the workout structure. We have a large number of efficient workout structures available for our members. Click here for additional details.

Workout.ExerciseDictSample Workout

What can a workout for a certain day look like? Here is an example. Intense and efficient.

Workout structure: AMRAP (As-Many-Rounds-As-Possible).
Time: 20 minutes.

  1. 10 Pushups
  2. 15 Bicycle Crunches
  3. 20 Squats

This means that you should perform as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of the three exercises (Pushups, Bicycle Crunches and Squats). Rest as short as you can. Record the number of rounds so you can benchmark this session in the future, to check progress.

Exercise Demonstrations

There is a full set of exercise demonstrations available for our members. Click here to view.

Workout Archive

Historical workouts are available in the archive.

References, Sources

  1. Variable training intensities with equivalent training volume affects EPOC in circuit weight-training, A. Caterisano, B.T. Patrick, R.F. Moss and J.M. Grossnickle. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, May 2007.
  2. Effect of explosive verses, slow contractions and exercise intensity on energy expenditure, S. Mazzetti, M. Douglass, A. Yocum and M. Harber. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, Aug 2007.
  3. The effects of high-intensity intermittent exercise training on fat loss and fasting insulin levels of young women, E.G. Trapp, D.J. Chisholm, V.J. Freund and S.H. Boutcher. International Journal of Obesity, Apr 2008.